Video: Hockey Pivot Skating Drill

pivot skating drill ice hockey
Picture of Nate Leslie - ACC, CEC, M.Ed.

Nate Leslie - ACC, CEC, M.Ed.

Certified Executive Coach | Former Professional Player | Company Director

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Hockey Pivot Skating Drills incorporating the goalie are more engaging and fun for all, than plain old power skating drills.

If you like this hockey pivot skating drill, please share by clicking a social share above for us, thanks!  In this hockey pivot skating drill, Leslie Global Sports Lead Coach & and University of British Columbia Coach Mike Sommer shows us some smooth transitions in a small area. It’s a great hockey skating drill on 1/6 of the ice, and can keep players moving by sending the next skater, when the skater ahead gets to the top cone for the second time. Hockey coaches looking for hockey skating drills that incorporate change of direction skating, involve the goalie, and include a game situation shot coming off the half wall, here you go!

Pivot Skating Drill Teaching Points:

  1. Pivot from forwards to backwards by leading with the heals and bum together.
  2. Feet must be relatively close together so the next step after the pivot is a crossover.
  3. Carrying the puck backwards: try to pull it on the backhand with the full length of the blade on the ice as much as possible.  This is easiest to do pivoting to the backhand side (left for a righty, and right for a lefty).
  4. Try to limit the amount of stickhandling, and keep the feet moving as much as possible to be efficient, and focus on the edge control.  Overhandling the puck causes the skates to stop moving.
  5. Sink low into the pivots so your legs are bent and ready to explode out of the pivots to get your speed back.
  6. Don’t glide through the pivot.  Get the feet moving right away after the pivot.  This forces players out of their comfort zone, increases transition speed, and improves edge control.
  7. Backward to forward pivot: glide with strong body positioning and balance on the trailing foot (the one gliding heal first/backwards), then begin forward crossovers immediately upon transitioning to forward skating.

Want more hockey drills and learning opportunities like this one? Then you need to take our online  coaching course, How to Play Hockey, to access the on ice skills and drills module.
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