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Hockey Canada Skills Testing Results

Hockey Canada Skills Testing Results

Click: Hockey Canada Skills Testing Results

Unfortunately Hockey Canada has discontinued the online database where coaches can input Hockey Canada Skills Testing Results in order to compare data against kids across the country.  As a next best solution we have started our own Hockey Canada Skills Testing Results: Leslie Global Sports Database.  Whenever we test kids moving forward we will enter them in this spreadsheet.  You should be able to open it, but likely not sort the columns.  I suggest, if you are interested, that you copy and paste the cells into your own spreadsheet and manipulate it however you like.  Click the link above to learn more about the testing and see specific details about each test.

Hockey Canada Skills Testing Results: Leslie Global Sports

At the time you read the datasheet it is likely sorted by the transition skating test (done on the circle with 4 cones), as we feel that is the most relevant skating ability test in the Hockey Canada Skills Testing.
[maxbutton id=”3″ url=”” text=”View our database” ]
Hockey Canada Skills Testing Stations for Players

Hockey Canada Skills Testing Stations for Players: Click for more details

Hockey Canada Skills Testing for Goalies

Hockey Canada Skills Testing for Goalies: Click for more details