Give & Go

Picture of Nate Leslie - ACC, CEC, M.Ed.

Nate Leslie - ACC, CEC, M.Ed.

Certified Executive Coach | Former Professional Player | Company Director

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The “Give & Go.” One of the most used passing tactics in all of sports. Whatever the sport, it gets defenders moving and creates room for offensive plays. The give and go is a passing tactic used in every sport where a ball or puck is used.

 The most obvious example is in the offensive zone. You see it on the power play a lot but also five on five. To pass the puck to a teammate and jump to a hole and get it right back for a quick shot would be the most obvious example of a give & go, but it can happen all over the ice. 



  • We are in the defensive zone and the W has the puck skating up the wall leading our breakout.
  • At the same time our C is supporting through the middle as a pass option.
  • We see that the opposing D has bad gap control on us.
  • The W makes a pass to the C, which forces to make the opposing D to pinch on him/her.
  • Once this happens the W keeps moving up ice with speed to the quiet area and the C gives it right back creating a small “Give & Go” play.
  • Now we have successfully broken out of our zone with two quick passes, and we’re off to the races.

This is a really effective way to lose the defender that is trying to cover you. You just have to make that pass, jump to a hole and get it back. Pretty simple but very effective no matter where you are on the ice.


Looking to download half ice hockey practice plans, goalie drills for teams (not a goalie coach?!) or small area games drills?  We’ve got you covered too. Click here. Perfect for recreational level coaches.

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