Project Mongolia

Project Mongolia Hockey

Mongolia.  It’s not the first place that comes to mind when you think about hockey.  That may change after you watch this incredible journey by brothers Boe and Nate Leslie.  Our documentary Rinks of Hope: Project Mongolia explores the state of hockey, and our efforts to help, in one of the world’s most remote countries (Scroll down to watch it!). The first professional coaches to ever coach in Mongolia, Boe and Nate visit 7 outdoor rinks in 5 cities and villages in what turned out to be the most significant youth hockey development initiative the country has ever experienced.  The impact of this journey was so significant that even the Mongolian Secret Service called on behalf of their President to lend his support and encouragement. Rinks of Hope: Project Mongolia received critical acclaim and positively influencing leaders, students, families, and athletes around the world.

Hockey has a wonderful way of pulling Canada together, and it has the possibility of pulling Mongolia together too.  We have a wonderful country and to see it represented through sport here in a rink like this just lights your heart on fire. Ed Jager, Former Canadian Ambassador to Mongolia and supporter of Rinks of Hope: Project Mongolia.


DONATE on our Go Fund Me page!

Rinks of Hope: Project Mongolia (Documentary)

Documentary Trailer

Project Mongolia Documentary Credits


Media Coverage

Global News – Greatest Canadian of the Week

charles adler tonight interview with nate leslie greatest canadian oct 26 2018

Legendary Canadian AM talk show host Charles Adler honoured our efforts in his Greatest Canadian of the Week segment on October 26, 2018.  We celebrate this honour with an incredibly giving hockey community across the country who make #projectmongolia successful.  Scroll down to honour just some of our incredible community partners.

CBC’s On the Coast

Listen to CBC On the Coast’s Gloria Macarenko & Nate Leslie discuss the Rinks of Hope Equipment Drive from her October 25th episode (link starts 2:22:00 mark, or click below.).

CBC British Columbia

Click to read the recent CBC British Columbia coverage of our Mongolia Equipment collection.

Richmond Sentinel

Click to read the Nov 2018 article on the Richmond Sentinel.

Supporting Hockey in Mongolia:

Equipment Collection


The Project Mongolia presentation was both inspiring and thought provoking.  The message that each of us have a voice was evident throughout the film and through Nate’s story of film-making and hockey.   Nate is an excellent speaker who inspired students to add value to everything they do and to give back to others.  Bryan Lockless, Argyle Secondary School Leadership teacher, North Vancouver.

I must admit, I don’t follow the sport, or any sports for that matter. But this film is about more than a game. It’s about people coming together over a shared passion. It’s about helping strangers across the world. It’s about dedicating yourself to something.  Inspiring, to say the least. And a true, real life, adventure.  Sandra O’Connell, Vancouver Sun.

Breakfast Television on City TV with Jodi Vance:

January 13, 2016

CBC Radio Early Edition with Rick Cluff:

January 18, 2016 (Scrub to 58:30)


CKNW Radio: The Lynda Steele Show:

January 18, 2016
lynda steele show

CTV News by Gary Rutherford & Michael Shulman:

The Hockey Wanderer, December 12, 2015
CTV Mongolia Hockey

IIHF World Hockey Championships, Prague, Czech Republic

June 4, 2015

Original CBC News Feature by Karin Larsen

June 11, 2014

Radio Interviews

December 3 and 5, 2014

News Media Articles

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Project Mongolia - Leslie Global Sports

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