Leslie Hockey in Mongolia: CBC News
Inspired by a Skype call to Mongolia
We named our business Leslie Global Sports ten years ago because sport has taken us around the world and back many [...]

Guest Post: Don’t Let Schoolin’ Get in the Way of Your Education
The BC provincial government is proposing to cut all the wrong education programs, again! Athletic Coordinator, music, special needs? Really?! They want [...]

Phoebe Staenz: West Coast Hockey Prep Camp Alumnus Wins Bronze in Sochi
As the Director of the West Coast Hockey Prep Camp, I am assigned to tracking success of camp alumni. This week the task is pretty easy, as Phoebe Staenz of [...]
Top Reasons Why You Should Consider Playing Basketball
Basketball is one of America's favorite pastimes, especially during the month of March. March Madness is a large craze for basketball fans across the [...]
Prep Camp Confirms NCAA Western Michigan Hockey Coach
CCHA Western Michigan sends Spiros Anastas to the Junior Prep Camp to lead the Junior A - Pro Week 4, August 6-11, 2012
This is an amazing opportunity for [...]
Final Day New Zealand Hockey Exchange 2012 – Leslie Global Sports
All good things must come to an end, or so the saying goes. Our last day of this year's New Zealand Hockey Exchange in Queenstown included our 2nd day with [...]