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tight turn with power, efficiency and stability

tight turn with power, efficiency and stability

tight turn with power, efficiency and stability

tight turn with power, efficiency and stability - Leslie Global Sports
  1. Hi! I have question in regards to tight turns.
    I have been looking at different power skating schools and I came across one that talks about as you enter the tight turn your skates are actually together rather than shoulder width apart which got me scratching my head (laura stamm power skating) and their reasoning why you lose your edges.

    I would like your insight in this matter that regardless of where this analogy of it came from
    I just want to head in the right ditiection. I have the same way thinking as you where you would come into a turn roughly shoulder width apart inside foot leading, counterleaning and weight somewhat distributed over both skates.


    • Hi Sydney,

      That is a great comment, and analysis of the 2 different messages. Laura Stamm is very highly regarded and I would enjoy hearing her entire description of the turn. When I was a new coach I would teach that the skates should be close together leading into a turn. I don’t know if this was because I was new, or if I had learned it somewhere. If we analyse the argument, it seems logical to me that our center of balance will be better with a wider stance. If our feet are too close together we tend to lean over, and can be knocked over quite easily as we don’t have our inside skate underneath our body. I picked up the wide feet model from speaking with a few Russian and Eastern European pro players I was coaching with a few years ago. Watching them turn with a wide stance was so impressive, and they looked incredibly strong throughout the turn. In conclusion, I’ll ask you to try both, analyse both, and decide which way you believe in. I’d love to hear from you in the future! Nate

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